Home Health Line
Agencies will need to place even more focus on coordination of care to improve process measures and outcome measures now that CMS is proposing to score them with a 5-star system that could impact referrals in 2015. 
Beginning Jan. 1, home health agencies must report work-related in-patient hospitalizations of one or more employees to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA). Such hospitalizations must be reported within 24 hours of the agency learning about them. 
Outsourcing your agency’s information technology (IT) roles can save it tens of thousands of dollars, a significant savings in indirect costs in the wake of years of regulatory cuts to the industry.
Improve your patient satisfaction scores on Home Health Compare by creating action plans for patients that identify their overall goal for home health treatment — such as being able to go to the beauty parlor or to lose weight — and break that goal down into weekly steps that can be measured and tracked. 
CMS has provided doctors with several examples to use within their documentation to justify a patient’s homebound status and need for skilled care.
by: Trish Twombly
Your agency could lose more than $200 per episode for common home health diabetes scenarios such as the one below. 
by: Financial Monitor
The data below show the national median figures for home health agencies’ indirect costs as a percentage of total costs and of revenue 


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