The Missouri Alliance for Home Care (MAHC) has successfully validated a multi-factorial tool that agencies will be able to use to mark "yes" on M1910 (Falls risk assessment).
Previous tools used for the assessment had either lacked validated status or were not multi-factorial, the National Association for Home Care & Hospice notes in an Oct. 11 message to members.
"Home Health Agencies will now be able to meet the OASIS requirements utilizing the MAHC-10 [tool] as an initial screen for fall risk," MAHC says in its press release on the tool's successful validation.
According to the OASIS-C Guidance Manual, “The multi-factor falls risk assessment must include at least one standardized tool that 1) has been scientifically tested in a population with characteristics similar to that of the patient being assessed and shown to be effective in identifying people at risk for falls; and 2) includes a standard response scale. The standardized tool must be both appropriate for the patient based on their cognitive and physical status and appropriately administered as indicated in the instructions.”