M1010 (Inpatient diagnosis): List each inpatient diagnosis and ICD-9-CM code at the level of highest specificity for only those conditions treated during an inpatient stay within the last 14 days (no E codes or V codes).
Item name is changed to M1011 (Inpatient diagnosis).
Code slots are expanded to accommodate seven digits.
Prohibition against E and V codes is replaced with prohibitions against V, W, X, Y, Z and surgical codes.
Language addition in item instruction: “…having a discharge date within the last 14 days…”
M1012 (Inpatient procedure): List each inpatient procedure and the associated ICD-9-CM procedure code relevant to the plan of care.
M1016 (Diagnoses requiring medical or treatment regimen change within past 14 days): List the patient’s medical diagnoses and ICD-9-CM codes at the level of highest specificity for those conditions requiring changed medical or treatment regimen within the past 14 days (no surgical, E codes or V codes).
Item name is changed to M1017 (Diagnoses requiring medical or treatment regimen change within past 14 days).
Code slots are expanded to accommodate seven digits.
Prohibition against E, V and surgical codes is replaced with prohibitions against V, W, X, Y, Z and surgical codes.
M1020 (Primary diagnosis)
V codes are allowed.
Item name is changed to M1021 (Primary diagnosis).
Code slots are expanded to accommodate seven digits.
V, W, X and Y codes are NOT allowed.
M1022 (Other diagnoses)
V or E codes are allowed.
Item name is changed to M1023 (Other diagnoses).
Code slots are expanded to accommodate seven digits.
All ICD-10-CM codes are allowed.
M1024 (Payment diagnoses)
V or E codes are NOT allowed. Item is optional.
Item name is changed to M1025 (Optional diagnoses).
Code slots are expanded to accommodate seven digits.
V, W, X, Y and Z codes are NOT allowed.
Item remains optional.
Removed reference in previous draft version to Appendix D and reference to risk adjustment of quality measures.
M1032 (Risk for hospitalization): Which of the following signs or symptoms characterize this patient as at risk for hospitalization? (Mark all that apply.)
Item name is changed to M1033 (Risk for hospitalization).
Number of risk factors is expanded from seven to 10. New risk factors include unintentional weight loss of a total of 10 pounds or more; multiple emergency department visits; reported or observed history of difficulty complying with any medical instructions. Number of medications qualifying as a risk factor remains five.
Specific time periods have been added to all risk factors (e.g. decline in mental, emotional or behavioral status in the past three months).
M1040 (Influenza vaccine): Did the patient receive the influenza vaccine from your agency for this year’s influenza season (Oct. 1 through March 31) during this episode of care?
Item name is changed to M1041 (Influenza vaccine data collection period).
The item now asks merely whether the episode of care includes any dates on or between Oct. 1 and March 31.
M1045 (Reason influenza vaccine not received): If the patient did not receive the influenza vaccine from your agency during this episode of care, state reason.
Item name is changed to M1046 (Influenza vaccine received).
The item now asks whether the patient received the flu vaccine for this year’s flu season, and gives clinicians eight different scenarios to choose from (e.g. “Yes, received from your agency during this episode of care” and “Yes, received from your agency during a prior episode of care.”).
M1050 (Pneumococcal vaccine): Did the patient receive pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) from your agency during this episode of care?
Item name is changed to M1051 (Pneumococcal vaccine).
The item now asks if the patient has ever received the PPV.
M1055 (Reason PPV not received): If patient did not receive the PPV from your agency during this episode of care, state reason.
Item name is changed to M1056 (Reason PPV not received).
The item now asks why the patient never received the PPV (in any setting or at any time).
The option “Patient has received PPV in the past” is deleted.
M1308 (Current number of unhealed [non-epithelialized] pressure ulcers at each stage).
Column 2 is deleted and replaced by a new item, M1309 (Worsening in pressure ulcer status since SOC/ROC).
New item M1309 asks clinicians to list the number of current pressure ulcers not present or at a lesser stage at the most recent start or resumption of care.
Changed to accommodate unstageable pressure ulcers due to slough/eschar and that are new or previously Stage I or Stage II at the most recent SOC/ROC.
Response option “d” added that says: “Unstageable due to coverage of wound bed by slough or eschar.”
M1310 (Pressure ulcer length), M1312 (Pressure ulcer width) and M1314 (Pressure ulcer depth).
M1350 (Skin lesion or open wound): Does this patient have a skin lesion or open wound, excluding bowel ostomy, other than those described above that is receiving intervention by the home health agency?
DELETED at follow-up and discharge. Still collected at start and resumption of care.
M1410 (Respiratory treatments): Respiratory treatments utilized
at home.
DELETED at discharge. Still collected at start and resumption of care.
M2100 (Types and sources of assistance): Determine the level of caregiver ability and willingness to provide assistance for the following activities, if assistance is needed.
Item name is changed to M2102 (Types and sources of assistance).
Clarifies that question excludes assistance by agency staff.
Clarifies wording for different types of assistance (for example by clarifying Response 4 applies if it’s unclear whether caregivers will provide assistance).
M2110 (Frequency of ADL or IADL assistance): How often does the patient receive ADL or IADL assistance from any caregiver(s) (other than home health agency staff)?
DELETED at discharge. Still collected at start and resumption of care.
M2250 (Plan of care synopsis)
Response “c” NA option changed to: “Falls risk assessment indicates patient has no risk for falls.”
Response “d” changed to include option for notification of physician on depression assessment.
M2440 (Reason[s] for nursing home admission): For what reason(s) was the patient admitted to a nursing home?