Home health agencies and their vendors that are using an XML format as they switch to the OASIS Assessment Submission and Processing (ASAP) system will need to upload a new grouper from CMS’ website. CMS uploaded the new grouper to its website Dec. 22.
CMS found out last week that certain HIPPS scores being generated within ASAP were incorrect. The federal Medicare agency’s contractor, 3M, analyzed the matter and discovered it needed to make changes to ensure proper scoring for XML users. The file on the CMS website titled “Jan 2015 HH PPS Grouper_R2”, is required for those integrating the HH-PPS into long running applications that require XML record format processing, CMS says.
Note that flat file users or those who use the command line version or who use the Java source as a model for their own HH-PPS development -- do not have to download the corrected grouper.
Also, don’t forget the OASIS data transmission blackout at the end of the year. The OASIS submission system will shut down and no OASIS assessment data files can be submitted from 6 p.m. EST Dec. 26 through 11:59 p.m. EST Dec. 31.
OASIS data files submitted on or after Jan. 1 using ASAP must follow version 2.10 (which supports OASIS-C) and version 2.11 (which supports OASIS-C1) of the OASIS data submission specifications.
The file is posted in the downloads section on CMS'