All agencies in the nine states involved in CMS’ value-based purchasing demonstration, which begins Jan. 1, 2016, should as soon as possible establish a point of contact for the program who will create a user ID that will be used to access the programs’ various online portals.
That’s because, in part, agencies will use this portal to submit data for the three new measures used in the demonstration: Influenza vaccination coverage for agency personnel, Herpes Zoster (shingles) vaccination and advanced care plan. They’ll also use the portal to view value-based performance reports, as well as communications from CMS on the program and educational webinars, CMS says.
In a Special Open Door Forum Dec. 17, CMS discussed the need for and process of registering for the home health value-based purchasing portal
The point of contact should be someone who’s familiar with the agency’s day to day operations, have the agency’s CMS Certification Number (CCN) and be able to delegate authority, CMS says. Agencies with branches in multiple states can have the same or different points of contact. Further, agencies will be able to assign data entry and review staffers access to the portals at a later date.
The three main registration components are: The CMS Secure Portal or Enterprise Identity Management system (EIDM), the Innovation Center Portal and the home health value-based purchasing portal.
Agencies notify the home health value-based purchasing helpdesk of their primary point of contact. This point of contact then creates a user ID through the EIDM. The agency point of contact then submits the EIDM user ID to the home health value-based purchasing portal helpdesk, which will respond with further instructions for access to the other portals.
Also, agencies’ points of contact will get access to a collaboration site called HHVBP Connect, which will include learning session webinar recordings, supporting materials, newsletters, FAQs and a chat function that will allow agencies to share information, CMS says.
Points of contact will be sent instructions on how to access HHVBP Connect as soon as the site is available — it’s anticipated to open sometime Jan. 28, 2016.
Editor’s note: Look for details about a future CMS webinar, tentatively scheduled for Jan. 14, on value-based purchasing that will review more details on the measures in the program.