Some pressure ulcer data was mistakenly excluded from recent CMS reports on quality measures for home health agencies, but CMS says the data will be corrected before the measure is publicly reported on Home Health Compare.
Denominator counts for the measure “Percent of residents or patients with pressure ulcers that are new or worsened” were incorrect in recent review and correct reports, according to CMS. All numerator information was calculated correctly, however.
Excluded in the error were episodes in which M1313 (Worsening in Pressure Ulcer Status since SOC/ROC) was reported as a valid skip when the response to M1306 (Unhealed Pressure Ulcer at Stage 2 or Higher) was “0 — No.”
Home health on-demand risk adjusted outcome reports will include the corrected information. Public reporting on Home Health Compare, which starts for this measure in 2019, also will correctly include episodes with valid skips in the denominator, according to CMS.
This correction will result in lower rates for the measure when compared to previous review and correct reports.