New guidance from CMS is now available to help agencies take full advantage of user-requested CASPER reports known as Home Health Review and Correct reports.
On April 20, CMS posted training materials online on its dedicated Home Health Quality Reporting Training website.
Included in the materials are 48 new Q&As about Review and Correct reports as well as video recordings from a March 6 CMS webinar. Far more questions were posted online than were asked during the webinar itself.
Review and Correct reports are important for agencies to analyze. The reports contain raw quality data that ultimately are used to update Home Health Compare and can be used to make payment and review decisions.
During CMS’ March 6 webinar, officials walked providers through where to find the reports, how to check them and how to make corrections if needed. Industry interest in the webinar was strong, with registration quickly reaching the maximum 1,000 participants (HHL 4/12/18).
One webinar participant asked if when a dash is listed in the report, this indicates there is an issue. In a response posted April 20, CMS explains that the dash indicates data is either not available or not applicable. Providers are encouraged to confirm that all required data have been submitted.
The Review and Correct reports are currently available in CASPER for all agencies that have submitted a minimum of 100 complete quality episodes.