CMS has just announced when the Review Choice Demonstration (RCD) will begin in Ohio.
It’s slated to begin Sept. 30, 2019, with the choice selection period running from August 16 through September 15, CMS announced.
During the selection period, agencies must choose pre-claim review, postpayment review or minimal postpayment review with a 25% payment reduction.
Ohio agencies that don’t make a selection by Sept. 15 will automatically be placed in postpayment review.
The demonstration began in Illinois in June and eventually will expand to three additional states.
It’s not yet clear when the demonstration will begin in Texas, North Carolina and Florida. CMS is expected to announce the timeline for rollout in these states at least 60 days in advance. CMS will post updates here:
Related link: Visit the Palmetto GBA portal for more information on the choices and to make selections: