CMS has set out to provide further information regarding the Primary Care First (PCF) Seriously Ill Population (SIP) model option with a two-part webinar series, hosted by the PCF Model Options Team.
The model "encourages advanced primary care practices, including providers whose clinicians are enrolled in Medicare who typically provide hospice or palliative care services," according CMS.
A webinar on the model, held July 24, focused on how eligible practices can participate in the SIP payment model option, eligibility requirements, quality measures, and payment. CMS has posted the webinar and materials to its website, so providers can view it.
The second part, set to be held at a later date, will provide additional information regarding specific aspects of the program.
Under the SIP model option, CMS will attribute SIP patients lacking a primary care practitioner or care coordination to Primary Care First practices that specifically opt to participate in this payment model option.