CMS is providing guidance to home health agencies as well as dialysis facilities concerning the coronavirus outbreak.
The guidance gives information to healthcare workers specifically regarding screening, treatment and transfer procedures when working with patients. The guidance includes a frequently asked question section as well.
The purpose of the guidance is to protect those who receive both home health services and treatment in dialysis facilities.
Topics include:
- Which patients are at risk for severe disease?
- How should agencies screen patients for COVID-19?
- How should agencies monitor or restrict home visits for health care staff?
- Do all patients with known or suspected COVID-19 infection require hospitalization?
- What are the considerations for determining when patients confirmed with COVID-19 are safe to be treated at home?
- When should patients confirmed with COVID-19 who are receiving home health services be considered for transfer to a hospital?
- What are the implications of the Medicare home health discharge planning regulations for patients with COVID-19?
- What are recommended infection prevention and control practices, including considerations for family member exposure, when evaluating and caring for patients with known or suspected COVID-19?
- What Personal Protective Equipment should home care staff routinely use when visiting the home of a patient suspected of COVID-19 exposure or confirmed exposure?
- When is it safe to discontinue Transmission-based Precautions for home care patients with COVID-19?