CMS recently released the latest batch of quarterly Q&As providing more clarity on when a “non-visit” discharge comprehensive assessment is allowed as well as how to code for specific scenarios.
The April 2020 Q&As — published to the CMS website April 21 — include 15 questions and responses on a range of topics.
Question No.3 regarding if home health agencies should discharge a patient if the patient requires post-acute care from a SNF, IRF, LTCH or care in an inpatient psychiatric facility was answered with a note stating that this answer supersedes the October 2019 OASIS quarterly Q&A question No.6.
This scenario has been causing some confusion as, “it goes against the common current practice of completing a transfer and then ROC for patients transferred to any inpatient setting, unless they are not expected to need further home care,” according to the submitted question.
Check for more in-depth coverage in upcoming issues of your newsletter.
Related link: View CMS’ October 2019 quarterly OASIS Q&As at