CMS released preliminary Medicare COVID-19 snapshot data that focus on Medicare claims. The data show an elevated risk for seniors with underlying health conditions.
Among those hospitalized with COVID-19, “the five most prevalent chronic conditions for Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries were: hypertension (79%); hyperlipidemia (60%); chronic kidney disease (51%); diabetes (50%) and anemia (50%) according to a Medicare release.
There have been 549,414 total COVID-19 cases involving Medicare beneficiaries this year through June 20. The snapshot data showed that “26% of hospitalized beneficiaries died in the hospital while 27% were discharged to their homes,” according to a Medicare COVID-19 data release blog. The remainder of beneficiaries were discharged to skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) (23%) or other health care settings.
Rates have been higher for black beneficiaries with 444 hospitalizations per 100,000 beneficiaries. Hispanic beneficiaries had 191 hospitalizations per 100,000 beneficiaries. And, there were 351 hospitalizations per 100,000 beneficiaries who are age 85 and older, according to the Medicare COVID-19 data blog.