CMS is transitioning to a new data source for a demographic data for all home health agencies and other post-acute providers. The demographic data include such items as the provider name, provider-mailing address, provider physical address, state and ZIP code, according to a notice on February 10.
Demographic data are displayed on the Provider and Quality Measure reports generated from the Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES) agencies and displayed on the public reporting websites, such as the Provider Data Catalog (PDC).
Historically provider demographic data have been maintained in the Automated Survey Processing Environment or ASPEN software; however, CMS will be transitioning to use the demographic information from Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS).
While this transition is underway, a final date when all demographic data will be obtained from PECOS has not been identified. During this transition, all providers will be responsible to ensure their latest demographic data are updated and available in both the ASPEN and PECOS systems.