Clinicians must answer C0200 (Repetition of three words) based on the patient’s first attempt.
Clinicians will not only need to adjust to new assessments but will need to learn their way around the new layout of the OASIS instrument. This is going to take time and practice.
While all of the new items are important, the Transfer of Health (TOH) information and Brief Interview for Mental Status (BIMS) items have the most potential to affect patient outcomes and the quality of care delivered.
When looking to focus training on specific OASIS items to get the biggest bang for the buck, M1830 (Bathing) is a good option. If not answered thoughtfully and accurately at start of care, it will affect the entire picture going forward.
Education for clinicians and reviewers on the new OASIS-E items for pain and their intent — as well as the included time frames and the recommended method of obtaining an accurate response — is vital ahead of implementation on Jan. 1.
Agencies should educate staff now on the significance of the addition of A1110 (Language) to the OASIS-E assessment come Jan. 1, as details could improve care plan compliance and lead to better outcomes.
Come April 2023, coders may be able to capture more data on social determinants of health, including problems related to health literacy.
CMS provides easier-to-understand verbiage, the addition of WOCN guidance, new item rationale and definition boxes in its draft OASIS-E Guidance Manual that can help clinicians answer tricky wound questions.
Find time to train clinicians on the new and revised OASIS-E social determinants of health (SDoH) — including health literacy, transportation, race and ethnicity — and your agency will benefit from better quality outcomes.
Do not assign E78.5 (Hyperlipidemia, unspecified) for a diagnosis of unspecified hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia as the hypercholesterolemia identifies the specific blood lipid elevated, the Coding Clinic notes in its Q2 2022 guidance update, released June 3.


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