Home Health Line Breaking News
Agencies will want to update their cost report forms to account for one new field and one field that has been removed.
CMS released the updated form on April 29, 2024.
CMS has updated its four-page “Original Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage” fact sheet to highlight home health payment requirements around a patient’s shift between fee-for-service and an MA plan.
“How often the home health team determined whether patients received a flu shot for the current flu season” is down from 74% last April to 72.8% in the latest data. In April 2022, the agencies reporting that they had checked flu shot status was at 78.2%.
The requirement that 80% of Medicaid payments for home care services go to workers’ wages will be effective six years after the effective date of the rule.
Experts say that most of these denials traditionally have been due to the physician certification and signature requirements.
A recent CMS change request is addressing an issue on home health claims identified by the OIG, along with a handful of updates to the Claims Processing Manual Chapter 10.  
A fall that occurs due to a medical event, such as a seizure, is considered a fall for the purposes of coding M1033 (Risk for Hospitalization), J1800 (Any fall since SOC/ROC) and J1900 (Number of falls since SOC/ROC), CMS clarified in the April 2024 quarterly OASIS Q&As — released April 16. 
The proposed ICD-10 code changes — released with the FY2025 Hospital Inpatient PPS (IPPS) proposed rule on April 10 –   include three new codes to better track the severity of patients with hypoglycemia.
The Joint Commission has released its top five most challenging requirements for 2023 for home health care organizations.
Massachusetts prosecutors have announced the indictment of four individuals related to “a wide-spread personal care attendant and home health Medicaid fraud scheme.”


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