Home Health Line
Conducting the Brief Interview for Mental Status (BIMS) has been one of the biggest struggles in the first two months since OASIS-E implementation.
The new outcomes measure “Home Health Within-Stay Potentially Preventable Hospitalization” will be added to Care Compare in October or as soon as technically feasible.
Home health aides spend a lot of time in the home and in direct communication with their patients. Because of this, they can often provide beneficial insight into the patient’s abilities which can then be followed through with education provided by the clinicians.
Clients don’t typically see schedulers face to face, but they are the individuals driving the business in a lot of ways, so it’s important to curb turnover and promote an environment that allows schedulers to grow the agency.
On the question of whether patients improved in taking their medication, six states and territories reported average improvement under 75%, while six states reported improvement above 85%.


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