Recruitment and Retention
Agencies that implement mental health interventions for staff could see diminished stress among clinicians and aides, renewed employee focus and higher-quality care, experts say.
by: Brian Ward
You don’t give the same dose of medication to every patient, and the same is true with training health care staff, says Dr. Robert Lloyd, a vice president of improvement science and senior improvement advisor at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). This is the idea behind the dosing approach — what a staff member or group needs to know to do their job well should determine the amount and type of training they receive.
Employers can support their nurses by providing safe working environments, supporting their education, providing fair compensation and time off and including them in the conversations for change.
Agencies should consider implementing “stay interviews” as a useful tactic for retaining staff during times of turnover.
HHS is rolling out several new initiatives through the Administration for Community Living’s DCW Strategies Center that are designed to help organizations better meet the demand for Home and Community-Based Services.
Champion work-life balance and a better work environment to keep your best clinicians as a new study suggests a sharp increase in burnout among RNs and a reduced number of nurses in home health and hospice even as other settings see growth.
Coders feeling overburdened with additional duties and a lack of recognition for the extra work being done were noticeable trends for 2023, based on an analysis of DecisionHealth’s 2024 Home Health Coders’ Productivity Survey.
Despite the projection that the need for home health and personal care aides are expected to grow faster than any other occupation in the next decade, agencies are faced with high turnover rates for these roles. 
Agencies that create thorough and active succession plans will be set for success in emergencies or when the owner is ready to retire.
A growing challenge for agencies this year will be filling management roles, but those agencies that work to create career ladders will thrive.


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