When answering M2001 (Drug Regimen Review), it’s important to understand the OASIS guidelines for a clinically significant medication issue and a potential clinically significant medication issue.
In the July CMS OASIS Q&As, a questioner asked how to stage a pressure ulcer on the OASIS when the deepest anatomic soft tissue damage is unknown.
Think about how well you hope the patient will be able to ambulate at discharge and keep that in mind when answering the related OASIS start-of-care (SOC) item M1860 (Ambulation/Locomotion). This tip can help improve your ambulation outcomes, which are used to determine PDGM payments, Five-Star Ratings and referral volume. 
CMS recently addressed some confusion around collaboration between disciplines and the appropriate time frame when a clinician is completing the OASIS.
An update to the language found under M0030 (Start of Care Date) was included in the draft version of the OASIS-E1 instrument, released in May. OASIS-E1 is set to take effect Jan. 1, 2025.
If your EMR flags medications as being at risk for interactions, it doesn’t mean that you should capture that situation in the OASIS drug regimen review items under M2001.
It is important to accurately assess for this item as missing some statements on M1033 can have an impact on both revenue and OASIS outcomes.
Clinicians should familiarize themselves with what is considered high-risk for M2010 (Patient/Caregiver High-Risk Drug Education) as this may not always be the same as the high-risk categories in N0415 (High-Risk Drug Classes: Use and Indication).
The complexity of assessing safe ability with M2020 (Management of oral medications) can often be a challenging task for clinicians, especially since the guidance has changed over time.
CMS has responded by email to a question that was recently submitted regarding how to accurately score OASIS item M1860 (Ambulation/locomotion).


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