Home Health Line
To offset case-mix losses from the 2015 final PPS rule, agencies should work to improve outcomes by providing higher quality nursing and therapy visits that in turn lead to more referrals.
In terms of attracting patients and partnerships with a local hospital system, telehealth was crucial to the success of THA Group, a full-service home health agency in Savannah, Ga.
Agencies should secure a line of credit if they know they won’t have at least six months of operating cash on hand to protect themselves from reduced productivity, claims delays and denials once ICD-10 is implemented.
If your agency is losing money from case-mix changes in the final 2015 PPS rule, what should your first step be in counteracting the losses?
CMS has significantly changed the templates it’s proposing for doctors to use when documenting face-to-face encounters.
An April 16 hearing by the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee confirmed member interest in bundled payments for home health and other post-acute providers.
Either way the U.S. Court of Appeals for Washington, D.C., rules on the legality of the Labor Department’s companionship rule, the battle will likely continue.
More than half of the agencies whose case-mix weight has decreased following the 2015 PPS Final Rule have seen a decrease of between $101 and $300.
Agencies nationwide saw a percentage-point improvement in pneumococcal vaccine ever received, diabetic foot care and education and improvement in management or oral medications for CMS’ April 16 release of Home Health Compare data.


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