Which portion of the CoPs is causing the greatest challenge for your agency?05/17/201801/01/20191 Results
Which measure is your top priority to work on to improve for the next public reporting of your agency’s star rating?01/14/201603/04/2017248 Results
What worries you most about the proposed 2016 PPS rule?07/07/201505/01/201692 Results
What worries you most about the 2016 PPS final rule?11/25/201501/14/20160 Results
What worries you the most about the ICD-10 transition? (Choose one top worry.)04/15/201501/01/201659 Results
Which 2015 proposed rule change would affect your agency the most?07/07/201408/31/201457 Results
Which of the following issues do you expect to have the biggest impact on your bottom line in 2014?11/15/201301/31/2014242 Results
x11/14/201208/14/20130 Results
Do you believe the ICD-10 transition will be delayed again?06/11/201307/19/201379 Results
What percentage of your agency's certifying physicians are enrolled in PECOS?03/27/201304/30/201381 Results
What budget item are you planning to spend more on in 2013?12/13/201201/14/201349 Results
Has your agency put steps in place to improve its patient satisfaction rates?10/22/201211/22/201247 Results
Does your agency contract out for therapy?08/07/201209/07/201297 Results
Has your agency been in touch with your local hospitals about reducing readmission rates?05/30/201206/30/201299 Results
How does your agency ensure physicians properly fill out the F2F form?04/09/201205/09/201286 Results
What cost-saving strategy has been most effective for your agency?02/20/201204/20/201298 Results


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