Hospices will see a net 0.9% increase in their payments starting Oct. 1, according to the hospice wage index published July 24.

The wage index also includes a requirement for hospices to report all “co-existing or additional diagnoses” that relate to the patient’s terminal condition on claims.

Coding guidelines already require this, but it is common practice for hospices to include only the patient’s principal diagnosis, CMS says. Note that hospices should not report any co-existing diagnoses that do not relate to the terminal illness.

In a departure from previous practice, CMS published the wage index as a notice, foregoing a proposed rule with comment period and subsequent final rule. The notice is available at www.ofr.gov/OFRUpload/OFRData/2012-18336_PI.pdf. For addenda to the notice, go to www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-fee-for-service-payment/hospice/index.html.

For more coverage of the wage index, see this week’s issue of HHL and stay tuned to www.homehealthline.com