Home health agencies must use one of three new Q codes to indicate where services were provided for home health episodes beginning on or after July 1.
The Feb. 1 transmittal explaining the change defines the Q codes as:
  • Q5001 – hospice or home health care provided in patient’s home/residence
  • Q5002 – hospice or home health care provided in assisted living facility
  • Q5009 – hospice or home health care provided in place not otherwise specified
Indicate the location with the first billable visit in a home health episode by reporting an additional line item with the same revenue code and date of service, the Q code, one unit and a nominal charge, such as a penny, the transmittal states.
The transmittal also instructs agencies to report when a physician other than the certifying doctor makes changes or additions to the plan of care. Use a modifier appended to the G-code describing visits added to the plan of care. The final modifier will be published in the March 31 HCPCS update.