The ambulation outcome measure inched up by one percentage point to 59% in CMS’ April 18 update of the Home Health Compare website.
Otherwise, changes in this latest update were confined to the process measures. For example, timely initiation of care climbed one percentage point from 91% to 92%, and the pain assessment measure increased from 98% to 99%.
In addition to the outcome and process measures, CMS also updated the patient satisfaction measures, but those averages didn’t change.
The updated OASIS-based measures reflect data collected in calendar year 2012, while the two claims-based outcome measures (acute care hospitalization and emergency department use) reflect claims filed between October 2011 and September 2012.
The updated patient satisfaction measures are based on patients who received services between Oct. 1, 2011 and Sept. 30, 2012.
Check your new measure results at and turn to the next issue of HHL for more coverage of the update.