CMS posted its draft version of the interim OASIS-C1/ICD-9 item set for the first time on June 17. The changes pertain to coding items and time points when OASIS assessment need to be completed, and these changes were made to accommodate the ICD-10 delay until October 1, 2015.
The OASIS-C1/ICD-9 form is similar to the first draft of OASIS-C1, first released in November 2013. The only difference is that the items that were created for ICD-10 will be removed and replaced with the same coding items that exist now. M1011 (Inpatient diagnosis), M1017 (Diagnoses requiring medical or treatment regimen changed within past 14 days), M1021 (Primary diagnosis), M1023 (Other diagnoses) and M1025 (Optional diagnoses) will be removed and replaced with the corresponding items from OASIS-C.
The interim assessment will remain in effect until ICD-10 is implemented “or until otherwise determined by CMS.” Agencies will have to start using the OASIS-C1 document starting Jan. 1.
CMS also changed some time points in the OASIS-C1/ICD-9 version to resemble those contained in OASIS-C. For example, M1011 and M1021 in the OASIS-C1/ICD-9 version are deleted at the follow-up assessment as they are in OASIS-C’s M1010 and M1020, says CMS.
Also, M1340 (Surgical wound), response options “0” (No) and “2” (Surgical wound known but not observable due to non-removable dressing/device) were changed to say go to M1400 (Short of breath) at follow up and discharge, not at transfer.
Expect the revised guidance manual in the coming weeks. And CMS plans to host an OASIS-C webinar on the new guidance Sept. 30 at 2 p.m. EST. 
Related links: The draft OASIS-C1/ICD-9 item set and table can be found here. The OASIS-C1 to OASIS-C1/ICD-9 version by changed item document can be found here.
Editors’ note: For more training on OASIS-C1 sign up for the National Quality Outcomes & OASIS-C1 conference on September 15 through 18 at