CMS is establishing new G-codes to differentiate levels of nursing services provided during home health and/or hospice stays. Previously codes didn’t differentiate between RN and LPN services.
Having two G-codes was necessary as a result of the service intensity add-on (SIA) created in the 2016 final hospice rule. CMS will give SIA payments to hospices providing direct patient care from RNs or social workers during the patient’s final week of life (HHL 8/10/15).
Beginning with hospice dates of service on and after Jan. 1, 2016, and with home health episodes ending on or after Jan. 1, 2016, RNs will be coded as G0299 and LPNs will be coded as G0300.
“The current single G-code of G0154 for ‘Direct skilled nursing services of a licensed nurse (LPN or RN) in the home health or hospice setting’ will be retired,” CMS notes in Change Request 9369.
Related link: View the change request at