If you’re going to list a diagnosis code on a hospice patient’s notice of termination/revocation of election (NOTR) — even though you don’t need to — make sure you list the a valid code or your claim will be returned to provider (RTP’d).
That’s the guidance Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) NGS provided hospices Oct. 27.
CMS has made clear that a diagnosis code isn’t required, but providers should be aware that if they do list one “in the DIAG CODE field on Page 03 of the Fiscal Intermediary Standard System (FISS) on a NOTR (TOB 81B or 82B), FISS will check to ensure the ICD-9 or ICD-10 code is valid,” NGS says. “If an invalid code is used or an ICD-9 code after October 1, 2015, the claim will be returned to provider.”