Home Health Compare’s refresh this quarter produced a slightly different number of 5-star agencies from the prior quarter.
In October 2017, there were 360 5-star agencies nationwide in quality of care.
In July 2017, there were 362.
Although Home Health Compare was refreshed Oct. 24, it covers the same data collection period as the July refresh. This is because the “value of some OASIS-based measures may have changed slightly to reflect submission of late or corrected OASIS data,” CMS states.
However, OASIS data will include revisions agencies have made by Aug. 25. So the update had an effect on quality measures and quality of patient care star ratings for some agencies.
In the first-ever 5-star quality of care ratings, back in July 2015, there were 239 5-star agencies. That number reached its apex of 378 in April 2017.
Related link: View a list of 5-star agencies in quality of care at http://bit.ly/2yNDuSd.