CMS on Oct. 27 provided the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) a draft version of its interpretive guidelines for the revised Home Health Conditions of Participation (CoPs).
Most of the CoPs go into effect Jan. 13, 2018.
Among the major clarifications in the 85 pages of draft guidelines: The home health plan of care doesn't need to be submitted to the physician every time a verbal order is received, says Mary Carr, NAHC's vice president for regulatory affairs.
A second clarification of note: An associate degree would be considered acceptable for those seeking to qualify for the role of administrator. 
But other things NAHC was hoping would be clarified were not, Carr says.
DecisionHealth will compile agencies' comments sent to and share them with NAHC. 
NAHC hopes to receive feedback no later than close of business Nov. 10, and it must provide CMS feedback no later than close of business Nov. 15.
The final version of the IGs is expected to be released in December.
Click "Download file" at the top of this story to view the draft guidelines.

For continued coverage of the draft guidelines, read the Nov. 6 issue of Home Health Line.