The Review Choice Demonstration will begin in Texas on Dec. 2, 2019 — about a month before the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) takes effect.
After implementation in Texas, CMS says it will wait to begin the demonstration in the two remaining states — Florida and North Carolina — to “allow for the transition” to PDGM.
The demonstration is scheduled to begin in North Carolina and Florida on March 30, 2020, but CMS will monitor the transition to PDGM to see if there will be a need to delay implementation there.
The selection period for Texas will run from Oct. 16 through Nov. 14, 2019. Agencies that don’t make a selection by Nov. 14 will automatically be placed in postpayment review.
During the selection period, agencies must choose pre-claim review, postpayment review or minimal postpayment review with a 25% payment reduction.
The demonstration began in Illinois in June and Ohio in September.
Related link: Read CMS’ update at Visit the Palmetto GBA portal for more information on the choices and to make selections: