The latest release of CMS OASIS quarterly Q&As delve into issues around the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) and OASIS-D1 as well as GG items capturing mobility and self-care.
The October 2019 Q&As — published to the CMS website Oct. 15 — include 37 questions and responses on a range of topics.
PDGM was the dominant subject and was specifically referenced in 12 questions. While the new payment model isn’t directly mentioned, several other questions discuss issues that are related to PDGM — such as 30-day payment periods.
M1033 (Risk for Hospitalization) was also covered in several Q&As. The item will be added to follow-up on OASIS-D1 to facilitate the transition to PDGM.
OASIS-D1 was mentioned in two questions.
Look for more in-depth coverage in upcoming issues of your newsletter.
Related link: View CMS’ October 2019 quarterly OASIS Q&As at