CMS will release two new Health Equity Confidential Feedback Reports to home health agencies, along with inpatient rehabilitation facilities, long-term care hospitals and skilled nursing facilities.
The reports include the Discharge to Community (DTC) Health Equity Confidential Feedback Report and the Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary (MSPB) Health Equity Confidential Feedback Report.
According to CMS, the reports will stratify data on discharge to community (DTC) and Medicare spending per beneficiary (MSPB) by dual-enrollment status and race/ethnicity.
An educational webinar recording and fact sheet providing an overview of the Health Equity Confidential Feedback Reports will also be released next month.
There is similar national data already available. In June, MedPAC released a report to Congress looking at successful discharge to the community in home health and SNF based on race/ethnicity and “low-income subsidy,” which includes dual eligible beneficiaries, as well as those enrolled in Medicare Part D.
The report found Black and Hispanic beneficiaries receiving home health care had a lower rate of discharge to the community compared to White and Asian/Pacific Islander beneficiaries.