CMS is offering a new web-based training course to prepare agencies for the changes to the Home Health Value Based Purchasing model beginning in 2025.
Changes include:
  • The shift to a claims-based measure for Discharge to Community
  • Replacing the existing OASIS-based self-care and mobility measures with a single Discharge Function Score measure
  • Using the claims-based Potentially Preventable Hospitalization measure instead of the current hospitalization and emergency department use measures
The 30-minute course is intended for agency administrators, clinical managers/supervisors, quality managers and staff development personnel, according to CMS. In-home staff may also find the information helpful and educational.
An overview of the expanded HHVBP applicable measure set categories, reflecting removed and added quality measures (QMs), is discussed. A review of measure specifications and measure weighting is also provided.
The course includes interactive exercises to help you understand and apply the content presented. While it is intended that lessons be completed in sequential order, you may also jump directly to any topic of interest.