Home Health Line
The first week of September saw a near-unprecedented Justice Department crackdown on Medicare fraud – 91 individuals have been charged so far this month, approximately one third of which were alleged

Phase in the proposed 5.06% case-mix creep adjustment over several years or face the consequences – a “large number” of home health agencies going out of business, the National Association for


Agency comments on the proposed Medicaid face-to-face rule’s extra burden for dual eligibles will be “more than considered” in the final rule, said two CMS home health directors at the


Certain dementia patients will yield reduced Medicare reimbursements starting Oct. 1, as the fiscal 2012 ICD-9 diagnosis code for non-specified dementia has been stripped of case-mix value.


The bipartisan Congressional deficit reduction committee could consider a 10% home health copay and a Medicare reimbursement freeze – at least according to a list of possible Medicare cuts prepared by


CMS has published the risk-adjustment formula it used to calculate scores for the first batch of publicly reported OASIS-C-based outcomes data.


CMS issued a new statement of work for its Recovery Audit Contractors (RACs) Sept. 12 that could put home health on the auditors’ radar. The statement of work emphasizes that


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