Home Health Line

Stepped-up OIG scrutiny and audits of hospice services mean hospices must be sure documentation justifies the medical necessity of services.


Looming Medicare cuts are forcing many agencies to cut costs, leading to dissatisfied staff and making this the perfect time to work on ways to lower turnover and improve patient


Late therapy reassessment visits trigger two separate counts – one for your biller and one for your scheduler, a CMS spokesperson tells HHL.


Sixty-nine Houston-area agencies are on notice from CMS for questionable Medicare referrals in a case that drives home the effects of a new Medicare fraud-fighting tool and the importance of


The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to consider whether California providers have the right to challenge Medicaid rate cuts on grounds that such state actions would harm the quality and

Agencies facing limited marketing budgets or consumed with the latest innovative approach to induce referrals might be forgetting a low-cost, grassroots strategy that creates referral sources out of your office’s
The data below show that good patient outcomes correspond with high scores on the Home Health Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HH-CAHPS) survey questions CMS will report publicly


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