Home Health Line

Improvements in key patient outcome categories and clinician productivity are within reach if you replicate the decision by two agencies – one large, one small – to transition to a field-based case


CMS will allow agencies to continue using the old version of enrollment form 855A through October, the federal Medicare agency announced Aug. 23. CMS posted a new version of the


The tables below list the defining features of both bundled-payment models that will include home health participation for your quick reference. Both tables are based on information from the CMS Innovation Center.


CMS is asking home health agencies and other Medicare providers to apply for a new demonstration that would allow them to receive joint payment for services and share bonus payments


For episodes that begin before and end after the Oct. 1, 2013 transition date to ICD-10, home health agencies must use ICD-10 codes when submitting final claims, CMS states in


CMS has set the stage for a major expansion of competitively set HME rates despite conflicting views of how Medicare beneficiaries and suppliers have fared under the initial round of


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