Home Health Line

The approaching 2014 deadline for home health rebasing and a recent multi-million dollar settlement mean it’s more important than ever to file accurate cost reports.


NHIC has acknowledged it was mistaken when it denied claims based on a presumed face-to-face encounter error (HHL 7/18/11). In line with CMS instructions, the Medicare administrative contractor for New


Contracts between hospitals and home health agencies could become common once CMS begins its accountable care organization (ACO) model and bundled payment demonstrations.


Agencies still struggling to comply with the therapy reassessment requirement, and forced to deal with non-reimburseable visits, will benefit from a re-education program targeted only at the individual therapists causing


Medicare payment cuts continue to shrink home health budgets, leaving agencies with more pressure to grow referrals while also making it harder to incentivize marketers in ways that boost performance

Evidence of the face-to-face encounter and therapy reassessment regulations’ impact can now be measured in dollars and cents, as earnings reports filed this month by the four publicly traded home


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