Home Health Line

The face-to-face encounter requirement has already proved burdensome for the operations of agencies across the country, but for several agencies in New England, it’s now impacting cash flow as well.


Stymied by physician refusals to document face-to-face encounters, some agencies are risking criminal charges by writing the narrative explanation of why a patient is homebound and needs home care, which


The National Association for Home Care & Hospice has presented CMS with a catalogue of agency experiences from 20 states showing the degree to which the face-to-face encounter requirement has limited


Software shortfalls are making it harder for agencies to comply with a recent CMS clarification that all non-covered visits must be included on their claims.


Home health copays are on the table for Democrats and Republicans negotiating an increase in the debt ceiling aimed at avoiding a first-ever U.S. default, a discussion outline released by

Private duty home care aide retention can be as simple as saying, “Thank you.”


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