Home Health Line

Do home health patients need a second option when they have complaints about the quality of care agencies have provided?


The government’s expanding campaign to prosecute Medicare fraud in Florida, Texas, Michigan and elsewhere seems to have chilled once-common demands by Miami-area physicians to get paid for their home health


Agencies billing requests for anticipated payment (RAPs) with a “through” date more than 12 months ago are getting those RAPs returned for not meeting new timely filing requirements. And that’s


A recent home care fraud prosecution could result in fewer payments for private duty agencies serving Medicaid patients with severe mental or physical disabilities.


A recent review of home health claims by Cahaba GBA showed that many claims still incorrectly include stamped dates or no dates at all, resulting in claims denials.


Something as simple as an abbreviation for physical therapist on a home health advance beneficiary notice (HHABN) can render the form invalid and leave an agency stuck with financial liability


Pending bill could remove form 1099 requirement. The threat that agencies and other businesses would have to report purchases of goods or services in excess of $600 to the IRS


Fact: Physicians get one in five care plan oversight (CPO) claims denied. And, home health agencies that educate physicians on how to secure those payments can reap the rewards of


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