Home Health Line

A lawsuit filed in federal court Jan. 18 could cause CMS to clarify Medicare coverage rules, making home health services accessible to more patients.


Forty-three home health agencies in Texas and Florida have had their Medicare payments suspended as a result of zone program integrity contractor (ZPIC) reviews.


Agencies can expect unannounced site visits every time their Medicare licenses are up for renewal thanks to a new CMS regulation.


The answer to that question could impact your outcome scores as CMS only considers the care episode when calculating those scores.


Clinicians can determine a patient’s ability to take medication only if that medication is present in the home on the day of the assessment.


Cahaba GBA has returned a number of home health claims billed with the new and revised G codes for nursing and therapy services.


Medicaid face-to-face encounter forms are now available. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services has released the form physicians must use to document the physician face-to-face encounter for Medicaid


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