Home Health Line

Can a hospitalist sign the plan of care when he or she certifies home health and documents the face-to-face visit?


An exclusive first look at data from the Home Health Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HH-CAHPS) voluntary “dry run” shows agency scores lagged behind on “specific-care issues.”


How well-supplied with durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS) will beneficiaries be when successful bidders become the sources for most of those supplies in nine initial markets?


New Medicaid programs authorized by the health care reform law could put home health agencies in charge of coordinating patients’ care – and pay them for it.


A hospice could be at risk for CMS survey deficiencies if staff at a skilled nursing facility where a hospice patient lives do not perform their own assessments.


Your agency now has a new self-disclosure tool to avoid Medicare recoupments when your agency forgets to renew a contract with a referring physician with whom your agency has a


Physicians will continue to dodge, until Jan. 1, the 23% physician cut called for under the existing practitioner payment formula (HHL 7/5/10). That’s thanks to legislation that unanimously passed the


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