Home Health Line

Suspicion that publicly held home health companies have been gaming the system to maximize their payments has aroused the interest of a federal investigative agency not usually involved in Medicare


Many agencies make the mistake of waiting to audit their claims until the end of the episode. But that approach could put them at risk for delayed billing and payments.


The savings experienced by home and community-based care won’t be enough to keep state Medicaid programs from floundering in the sea of unfunded costs in the not-too-distant future.


Hospitals are increasingly requiring home health agencies to jump through hoops, such as filling out applications, to get their names on the list of available agencies given to patients when


The latest word from CMS suggests there’s no guarantee that agencies won’t be asked to repay the money later if the referring physician wasn’t registered in the provider enrollment, chain


President Barack Obama appoints new CMS administrator. Rather than waiting for Congress to return from recess to approve his nomination, President Barack Obama used a procedural move known as a


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