Home Health Line

Home health agencies take note: Lost and stolen laptops and portable electronic devices figure prominently in a recently released HHS list of patient-information breaches affecting more than 500 patients.


A recent court case that cost one New Hampshire hospital more than $33,000 underscores the importance of home health agencies checking the Office of Inspector General’s exclusion list before they

Imagine using technology that would allow you to monitor patients through webcams and motion sensors that detect when patients are in danger or have fallen, for instance.
The most recent Medicare Payment Advisory Commission report to Congress is a generous dose of bad news for the home health industry.

For one agency, successfully implementing its software program meant re-interviewing its clinicians to determine computer skills and proficiency.


CPO rates could be delayed until the end of March. Physicians’ care plan oversight (CPO), certification and recertification rates for 2010 now could be delayed until March 31 or even

Agencies need to turn their attention to CMS’s new patient-satisfaction survey or risk losing future inflation updates.


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