Home Health Line
A U.S. District Court has exempted attorneys from the Federal Trade Commission’s Red Flags Rule, and that could pave the way for similar exemptions for health care providers.

A recent court case involving a 67-year-old Vermont woman reinforces the importance of accurately reporting the facts about a patient’s homebound status.


The back-to-back blizzards that buried Mid-Atlantic states in up to three feet of snow earlier this month demonstrated the value of home health emergency preparedness.

The Visiting Nurse Service of New York (VNSNY) is testing the use of electronic risk-assessment forms uploaded on tablet computers as a way to improve medication management and reduce hospitalizations.

As the recession continues to hit home health, agencies are forced to respond with measures that may be with them long after the economic storm passes.

Compare your agency’s number of admissions with number of discharges each month, and you could uncover ways to improve patient care or increase referrals.

CMS retires two point-of-origin codes. Two codes used on UB-04 claim forms in the “point of origin for admission or visit” field will no longer be used for dates of

by: Aaron Jacobs

There are some major differences between private duty home care companies that grow and thrive and those that wither and die.


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