Home Health Line
The government has laid out the most complete account so far of alleged Medicare outlier abuses with indictments of 15 Miami–Dade County residents accused of participating in a scheme that
The tools you’re using to assess patients’ falls risk might not satisfy the criteria CMS recently clarified in its latest OASIS-C guidance.
Using in-home electrical stimulation (e-stim) therapy equipment can improve your patients’ functional status and help drive up referrals by 10% or more, say agencies that are using it.
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) seems likely to recommend a zero home health inflation update in 2011.
National scores for two Home Health Compare measures improve in December update. National scores for improvement in ambulation and bathing increased 1 percentage point each – to 46% and 65%, respectively,
New CMS data show an increase in hospice lengths of stay and provide further evidence that hospices are at greater risk for denials if they don’t document patient decline.


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