Home Health Line
In a rare change of mind, CMS has decided its anti-fraud efforts shouldn’t prohibit agencies from having a joint lease with another Medicare agency or DME supplier.
Agencies now have some relief from their struggle to train clinicians on OASIS-C and CAHPS simultaneously by Jan. 1.
HHAs could eliminate a nurse or physical therapist visit for the initial assessment if Congress approves a House amendment to override a CMS restriction against using occupational therapists to perform
Anyone curious about the extent of bonuses HHAs could receive under CMS’s current pay-for-performance demonstration may have to wait until mid-year 2010 to find out.
CMS just released its OASIS-C wound guidance on Oct. 9, but it’s already changed.
Red Flags Rule enforcement delayed; new legislation could exempt small agencies. The Federal Trade Commission delayed until June 1, 2010, the requirement that “creditors,” including home health agencies, develop policies
One COPD patient at the VNA and Hospice of Southwestern Vermont Heath Care has been out of the hospital for three years.


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