Home Health Line
The next round of Medicare Payment Advisory Commission recommendations to Congress could include some unpleasant medicine for the industry – a Medicare base-rate reduction beyond the 2.75 percentage-point reductions in 2008-2010
CMS has decided to bring down the curtain on efforts to recoup M0175-related overpayments, which actually have been stalled for nearly two years by successful agency appeals.
Your list of Home Health Compare measures could get longer, as soon as December 2010.
Create a Google-powered program to electronically transmit and catalogue digital wound photos, and you could save your clinicians time while improving patient outcomes.
Correction: Home Health Licensing Specialists, which organized 34 turn-key HHAs in Texas, at one point was paying up to 50 clinicians and aides to care for the patients it needed
Data show an overwhelming number of new for-profit agencies, and experts fear this growth could trigger steps to limit approval of more agencies.


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