Home Health Line
More information is seeping out about home health fraud in the Miami area, and CMS’s decision to suspend Medicare payments to 10 agencies with high levels of suspicious outlier claims
CMS released its newly refined OASIS-C draft on Nov. 19 giving agencies a closer look at what could be required as soon as 2010.
Hospital discharge data from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality seem to support the widespread belief among home health managers that faster hospital discharges have meant referrals of sicker
Here are seven steps that home health agencies can take to protect themselves from costly workers’ compensation claims and unwanted premium hikes:Require your employees to file a written incident report
Conflict-of-interest questions aside, President-elect Barack Obama’s selection of former Sen. Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) to head HHS means the home health industry can count on a knowledgeable and sympathetic friend when
CMS error rate drops 0.3%. CMS estimates that it saved $400 million by reducing its Medicare feefor- service improper payment rate to 3.6% in fiscal year 2008 from 3.9% in
Use of GPS-enabled cell phones to manage home health agency field staff is explored in a new, free white paper from DecisionHealth, 12 Ways GPS Reduces Home Health Agency Costs
Despite efforts to front-load visits and reduce hospitalizations, there’s an increase in the percentage of hospitalizations for congestive heart failure (CHF) patients in the first week of care, new data


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