Home Health Line
Remember the children's health insurance bill with its home health freeze that Democrats pushed through the House last summer? It died in the Senate – but look out. Neither the bill
Reason codes might provide your agency with the missing ingredient it needs to accurately predict therapy visits and support the therapy visits that it’s already done.
For-profit hospices were in the black by an average 11.8% in 2005 while non-profits were 2.8% in the red.
When it comes to the 2008 PPS changes, timing is everything – which means it’s essential to answer M0110 (episode timing) accurately.
A service utilization tool, such as the one below, can help your agency predict the correct number of therapy visits and provide the documentation needed to support the therapy visits your agency already has done, says Ann Rambusch, creator of the tool and consultant with Rambusch3 Consulting in Round Rock, Texas.
As the therapy shortage worsens and the need for effective therapy programs increases, agencies must find ways to shorten the time it takes to recruit talented therapists.


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