Home Health Line
HCFA gave physicians their PPS marching orders in its latest transmittal (copied below as an exclusive subscriber benefit). The transmittal, to be posted by the regional home health intermediaries on
by: Burt Schorr
HCFA seems ready to abandon its proposal that physicians certify the accuracy of the home health resource groups (HHRGs) to which HHAs assign patients under the prospective payment system.
by: Burt Schorr
Your cash-flow picture won't be as gloomy in the early months of PPS as many in the industry had feared, according to HCFA officials involved in PPS development.
by: W. Johnson
Brace yourself: If your DMERC is calling your wheelchair patients, you could be at risk for up to $1 million in overpayments.
Philadelphia-based Home Care Associates has received an "Employer of the Year" award from the Pennsylvania Dept. of Public Welfare for its welfare-to-work program. The company hired 70 welfare recipients as
by: P. Lott
HME giant American HomePatient Inc. is safe for now. The financially troubled Brentwood, Tenn.-based-company reached an agreement with its bank March 30, a move that prevented the company from defaulting
by: P. Lott
Houston, Texas-based Sharps Compliance Corp. has a new contract with Medical Microwave/Sanitec of New Jersey, LLC. The deal allows Sharps to provide its Sharps Disposal By Mail System to the
by: Burt Schorr
When it comes to interpreting OASIS data, there may be a Medicare peer review organization (PRO) in your agency's future.
by: P. Lott
New York Health Care Inc. revenues rose 17% in 1999 to $23.8 million, from $20.2 million in 1998, according to the Brooklyn, N.Y company's annual report.
by: P. Lott
Perigon Medical Distribution Corp. has launched an e-commerce web site, www.Perigonmed.com. Perigon is a Laguna Hills, Calif.-based medical supply distributor.


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