Home Health Line
Most home health agencies see their Medicare Advantage contracts as something they'd be better off without, considering the typical payment rates and visit authorization hassles. But not Sunrise Health & Hospice.
Clarification: If an HHA user of the 3.8.3. version of Misys Healthcare System for home care needs to remove a referring physician's national provider indentifier (NPI) from its Medicare claims,
Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) has reintroduced the “Fostering Independence Through Technology Act of 2007” that would encourage home health agencies to use telehealth [HHL 10/14/05]. The bill has been referred
Three of the national outcomes posted on CMS's Home Health Compare Web site moved up one percentage point since the December 2006 update: “percent of patients who get better at
Place in patients' initial information packets a written procedure to register complaints with your agency, recommends Arlene Maxim, home health consultant of A.D. Maxim & Associates in Troy, Mich.


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